Key technologies for the novel solar driven heating and cooling systems
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:48 点击次数:164
【讲座题目】Key technologies for the novel solar driven heating and
cooling systems【讲座时间】2018 年 12 月 20 日(星期四) 15:00——17:00【讲座地点】保定校区教四楼 351【主 讲 人】Xudong Zhao(赵旭东),英国赫尔大学教授,博士生导师【主讲人简介】赵旭东,男,教授,1984年于太原理工大学获学士学位,1987年于哈尔滨工业大学获硕士学位,2003年获英国诺丁汉大学博士学位。赵旭东教授目前任职于英国赫尔大学,担任工程学院副院长(科
赵教授在国际上享有崇高的学术声望。2017年被列为全球最具影响力的研究人员之一。根据Clarivate Analytics (原汤森路透旗下知识产权和科技事业部)发布的报告,赵旭东教授被评为工程类论文被引用最多五个英国学者之一。赵教授累计承担了57项由欧盟及英国政府研究委员会和中国科技部等机构资助的科研项目,科研经费超过
1800万英镑 (约1.8亿人民币);承担40余项工业及建筑能效咨询项目,累计咨询费用约50万英镑(500万人民币);赵教授共指导了29
生能源技术协会执行委员;(4)国际可再生能源技术年会管理委员会委员;(5)8个国际重要杂志的编委,包括 Energy, Future Cities and
Environment, Frontiers in Built Environment and Mechanical
Engineering; (6) 四个国际杂志的客座主编或编委包括 Energy,
Applied Energy, and Frontier of Energy Researches; (7) 多个国际研究机构的评委,包括欧盟第七/框架计划,英国EPSRC(工程及物理研
究基金会),英国ESRC(工程研究基金会),英国牛顿基金,香港政府研究基金会,法国国家研究中心,葡萄牙科学技术部,及哈萨克斯坦政府研究基金会。【内容简介】The presentation addressed several key technologies that enable
solar driven heating and cooling systems for buildings to operate in
efficient and effective ways. In terms of the solar heating, the
multiple-throughout-flowing featured panels-array in combination with
micro-channel structure for individual panels are the most creative
technologies that has proven to be able to achieve 10% higher solar
thermal efficiency and 100% higher energy efficiency ratio compared
to the existing solar thermal system. In addition, the coupled heat
storage/exchanger with the double containers is able to speed up
heating time and increase the heat transfer capacity of the system, and
is regarded as an additional initiative. The cost balance approach is
applied to determine the quantity and area of the PV panel, leading to a
new way of achieving the zero-bill heating operation in an economic
way. In terms of the solar cooling, the innovative super-performance
dew point cooling involving advanced fibre materials, superior
thermal-assisted pressing approach for bonding of the fibre material
with dry side material, as well as intelligent control of the pump and fan
is detailed. Furthermore, the solar driven adsorbent bed cyclic system
using the solar radiation and solar based microwave energy was